I'll never forget the moment I heard another coaches wife utter these words out loud "a coaches wives should be......." Realllllly?!?!?? None of us were given a manual when we married into this lifestyle! I've actually met some of the most amazing women in this profession......each very unique in their own way. We all have different stories......from moving, raising kids, the winning seasons, and the not so easy losing seasons. While there is no set mold we fit into......each coaches' wife does what works for them and their family.....I do believe there are 5 characteristics all great coaches' wives have in common:
1. She is Tough. We can juggle a lot on our own. Jobs, homes, family, moving, fixing, packing, and the unpacking on our own. Our husbands aren't the only busy ones in the season people.....coaches' wives keep it all together so our husbands can try to come up with a winning game plan week after week.
2. Loyal. A coach's wife remains close and loyal to other coaches' wives. When one loses their job, they are right there to reach out and let them know they care. We all know it happens to the best of them. When my husband's team plays against a team where I know a wife, it's nice to meet up, but it's best to meet before the game. Someone has to win, and someone has to lose..... that's just how the game goes.....but when winning is so important to your livelihood, emotions can run high. I have a coach's wife I know who lost to our team this year. Within an hour of the game, she messaged me congratulating me on our Win. Now that's class. A coach's wife is always loyal to her husband's team as well......it comes before all others. Sure we might look at other scores and enjoy watching our alma mater, or our hometown team play on tv.....but our heart belongs to wherever football has taken us.
3. Extremely Independent. Our husbands work ridiculously long hours, so being needy is not a good recipe for the wife of a coach. Coaches' wives aren't waiting around, looking like a lost puppy.....we hold our own. We know how to keep busy and have many interests outside of being married to this football life.
4. She is Supportive and helpful. Who's your doctor? Where do you get your hair done? I need a ride, my car's getting fixed. At every place my husband has coached, I've always been able to count on other coaches' wives when I needed help or advice. Any great coach's wife will be there for you.....just don't forget to be there right back. Give and take is what a good one does.....there is no "i" in team as they say.
5. Loving. A coach's wife is her husband's biggest fan. There will always be fans, boosters, parents, media, etc. who question and complain about your husband's life work after a tough loss. That is a time where a coach's wife's unconditional love and support is more important than ever. Our husbands know that we love them regardless of their win/loss record or 3rd down play calls!
At each school we have been at, I've met wonderful women.....each with their own story..... but almost every one has embraced these qualities. Thank you to all the great ones....I've learned a lot from some of the best.......even that you always stand up on third down (thanks Julie H.). You are loving, loyal, supportive, helpful, independent, and some of the toughest women I know.
Best wishes the rest of your season❤️🏈🙏🏼. GO JACKS💛🐰🏈💙🙏🏼!!!!